Bolarum Army Public School Hosts Principals’ Meet
Principals' meet held at Bolarum school

Hyderabad: Army Public School, Bolarum hosted the Southern Command Annual Principals’ Meet on Thursday. The event was chaired by Lt Gen SP Singh, YSM, Chief of Staff, HQ Southern Command & Chairman, BoA. Maj Gen SS Virk, SM, MG Adm HQ SC, Maj Gen Rakesh Manocha SM, VSM, GOC TASA & Patron APS Bolarum and Maj Gen PR Murli, VSM, MD AWES were present along with other dignitaries, including Directors of AWES and 37 Principals of Army Public Schools.
The Command Principals' Meet served as a dynamic intellectual conclave, bringing together school leaders and educators to drive breakthrough initiatives in education. The intellectual extravaganza provided a unique platform for leaders to brainstorm key strategies aimed at achieving excellence in education. The chief guest commended all the Principals of Army educational institutions for fructifying the motto of AWES of providing Quality education and Character building.
Under College Visibility Program five AWES colleges from across the country presented their futuristic policies and innovative educational strategies to the audience. The event acknowledged and felicitated the sheer grit, dedication and hard work of students and schools for achieving stupendous results in CBSE Board Examinations 2023-2024.